• Self-Directed Courses From Reliable Resources •

  • Online Certifications

    You will get the same certification as you would get from an in-person class. Expect to find everything you'll need to be better educated about first aid for backcountry and remote areas.

  • High Quality Content

    We shoot all of our videos on the best cameras and with the best audio tools available. Our edits are concise and get you the information in whatever format is best for your learning style.

  • Experienced Educators

    Our teachers and instructors have at least 15 years of experience teaching and practicing their specialties.

Featured Course Testimonials

Boy Scout Leader

Alexis J Agostini

I was able to play back the part I had difficulty understanding. I needed it for BSA High Adventure camp, Sea Base.

Nature Therapy Guide

Gregory Frew

Online sections were helpful so I could pause the videos to take better notes. Nathan was a great instructor and made everybody feel welcome while presenting material in an engaging way.

Scouts Leader

Benjamin Grizzel

Really appreciated calling out common misconceptions or dated treatment practices, and explaining WHY the guidance has changed rather than just saying that it has. I needed the course for my Philmont trek w/ Scouts BSA.

Mom and Outdoor Leader

Amber Saft

The information was very clear and well presented - well produced

Job Requirement

Aaron Pins

Detailed, engaging, and comprehensive. It covered everything clearly and retained my interest, without providing additional, unnecessary information.

Personal Preparation

Keith Lovett

I took the wilderness first because of my "Interest and preparation." What I found really useful was the "Information on hyperthermia, OPQRST, CSM, Suggested supplies."

Over-Hydrate No Longer

Joe Facchini

There were a lot of myth busters in this course regarding spinal injuries, hydrogen peroxide, etc ... that I appreciated. I'm leading trips in hot environments so I'll be on the lookout for hyperthermia. Previously, I would've encouraged over-hydration.


With Employees Who Have Taken Our Courses

boston area gleaners
student conservation association